Dr. Tobias Block

Head of Strategy and Content
eFuel Alliance

Dr. Tobias Block is an industrial engineer and senior consultant in public affairs, strategy, and communication. He is an all-rounder when it comes to technical, economic, and political challenges at the interface between renewable energies and the automotive industry. As head of strategy and content, he coordinates the activities of the eFuel Alliance e.V., a platform with more than 170 member companies for the market ramp-up of hydrogen-derived synthetic fuels.

After studying energy and environmental management at the University of Flensburg, he obtained his doctorate in hydrogen and eFuels business models at the University of St. Gallen.

Following his studies, he worked for more than five years in the technical development department of AUDI AG, including the commissioning of the first industrial power-to-gas plant, electricity procurement concepts, and the market launch of various natural gas vehicles. As the success of synthetic fuels depends more on the political framework conditions than on technical solutions, he joined the German Association of the Automotive Industry (Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.) in the summer of 2018 and coordinated the political activities related to renewable fuels for more than two years – initially in Berlin and later from Brussels.

In February 2021, he joined the consultancy von Beust & Collegen.